
Flossing Allowed, No Smoking

Big Brother Is Everywhere
This is in a taxi cab in Chicago. I mean is this really necessary? It makes me want to move to Montana in the middle of nowhere.

Whole Lot of Leg Room
After spending a fair amount of time on Belgian trains we become rather spoiled once we got back to Holland. The trains are much older in Holland and also much less high tech. In Belgium there are digital read outs above each door saying what the next stop will be as well as a list of all stops in order. In Holland you're on your own.

Roaming Maastricht
Maastricht, Holland was easily the highlight of this most recent trip to Europe. Maybe the cleanest and safest (feeling) place I've ever been.

Statue With A Lit Torch

South Wales Crew
We met this group of very friendly people in the bar below our hotel. They are from South Wales and I gave them my blog address and told them that they would find this picture here. This bar doesn't look like much but on a head full of Ecquadorian mushrooms this bar and the lighting in this bar is like being in outer space. Such a fun night.

Street in Brugge

Rembrandt Square
Our last night in Europe we stayed a few blocks from Rembrandt Square. This is the place to be if you don't want to deal with panhandlers and drug dealers.

Just In Case
Amsterdam is definitely a bit of a shady and at times dirty city so I guess I should be surprised to not see more of these masks.

Beers On A Train
On our marathon train day we ended up having beers at multiple train stops and on multiple trains to ease the pain of being homeless for a night.

Cigarette Machine

Council in the Reflection
In Luxembourg there are only rich people with very expensive cars or very expensive motorcycles. Combine the speed of these autos with narrow winding roads and apparently you need to place large mirrors on blind turns to avoid accidents.

Dutch Bike

Doorknob Reflection
Roaming the streets of Amsterdam you see many things that you don't see in the States. Such as baseball sized chrome doorknobs in the center of 5ft wide doors.

Don't Mess With Texas

Brugge, Belgium

Getting a Ticket
I can't remember which train station this was in but this guy had the 2nd coolest rooster mohawk that we saw on our trip. This one was the coolest until later in a trip when we saw a guy with one about twice as tall as this one.

Black Panther
My buddy Roy used to have a white Nissan Maxima with a black eagle on the hood. This black panther on the hood of this VW gives the eagle a solid race in sweetness.

Streets in Luxembourg
There is really very little to do in Luxembourg City but it is really beautiful. The perimeter of the city is surrounded by many centuries old fortress walls and a moat. So cool. This was the view from our hotel room.


Tunnel in Maastricht

Cool Graffiti in Maastricht, Holland

Just Havin' A Smoke

Nu is het genoeg!
We kept seeing this ad in train stations. It makes me really uncomfortable.

It seems like there are not any buildings in Amsterdam that stand exactly straight up.


I Guess I'll Play Solitaire

Grote Market
This square in Brussels in unreal. It's like stepping into a time warp.

Gotta Pee

Cool Road


Bar Stools

Wrong Room Asshole!
At 5:30am this morning I woke up to a knock on my hotel room door. My first thought was that it was very early cleaning ladies so I just laid in bed. On the second very loud knock I decided to get up.

I look through the hole in the door and see this knucklehead. I open the door and he says, "let me in" as he begins to push his way into my room. I quickly pushed the door back at him and closed it before he got in.

Before I could even get back in my bed he begins knocking and yelling, "Let Me In!". So I go to the door and begin yelling back at him, "Wrong Room Asshole!"

At this point I'm thinking, "Ok, this guy has seen my face and he has heard my voice. How is he still knocking."

By now it has been a few minutes so I'm wide awake. I decided to grab my camera. He's still knocking.

After taking a handful of photos through the eye hole I decided that I had to get one of him in the hallway because he is probably not dressed. I look through the eye hole one last time to check out where he is standing before I walk out. Now he is reading my newspaper.

I open the door and go at him quickly and say, "I assume you don't think we are sharing a room?!?" He is clearly very uncomfortable and clearly hammered. He begins his retreat...."uhhh, uhhh....umm, i'm sorry, i'm sorry"......

He walks one direction and comes back past my room when I realize he still has my newspaper...."Hey, Give Me My Paper Back!"

Nice socks.

Good Lookin' Denim
I've seen a lot of sexy jeans before but these clearly take 1st prize. (make sure to view large photo)

Cool Dog
Two women got on the same train that Council and I were on somewhere in Belgium. They brought with them this little dude. This was one of the coolest and most well behaved dogs I've ever seen.

Birds Flying Off Of A Huge Church

Bike Lane

Would be my guess on how tall this woman was.

Rejected and Dejected
After attending the Rockies game on Friday night we thought we would be funny guys and go into the Dance Plex which is near Coors field. The Dance Plex is a hilariously disgusting place. Three floors of bad music, bad dancing and horribly dressed clientele. We were inside being assholes for 45 minutes tops before one of Denver's finest and the ultra intimidating Dance Plex security team escorted us out.

Dirty Dancing & Middle Finger
Anytime I go out in downtown Denver I never have any idea where I am because everything looks the same. Pretty much every bar in Denver (especially downtown) is terrible but it makes the people watching brilliant. Notice the super erotic and naughty way the grinding dancer has her fingers in her mouth. She is clearly really feeling it....

Floor Light

Hot Moves
Anytime there is cage dancing Sach is always the first person to get inside.