
Showing posts with label baseball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baseball. Show all posts

RBI Single

Purple Hair, Purple Eye Shadow
A very dedicated Colorado Rockies fan.

Cool Guy, Your Cover Is Blown
A group of us attended a party of sorts a few weeks ago. The party was at a ridiculously sweet loft downtown. Everything inside this place was high end, super expensive and really nice. The baseball playoffs were on and a group of people were "mingling" while also keeping an eye on the game.

Right in the middle of one of the Red Sox at-bats this DVR message pops up on the owners 100+ inch TV screen. That's right, Flash Gordon the series, not the movie was about to interrupt the playoff game.

We didn't meet the owner of the loft but since we changed it back to the game we assume he just ended up watching Flash Gordon on re-run or possibly he purchased the entire series on DVD.

Excited Rockies Fans
After the National League Division Series sweep of the Phillies at Coors Field.

Get The Brooms Out

What is it 1973? This was right before Sach and Coats played some one-on-one basketball on a playground in Golden. Sach won.