
Showing posts with label drinker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drinker. Show all posts

Improper Glove Use

We were in Seattle and had just spent several hours at a meeting and then a client dinner. We both had way too much to drink but Michelle was a bit worse off than me. We jumped into a cab and Michelle's harassment of the Indian cab driver and most of the metro traffic heading toward the airport began.

She would spotlight people in front of us as well as across traffic at cars going the opposite direction. The Indian man just laughed a nervous laugh the entire time. It was clear he was uncomfortable but didn't have the confidence to try to make it to stop.

The fun continued inside the airport. I was behind Michelle going through security. There was not a line at all because it was late in the evening. As Michelle's 'documents' get checked she tells the screener while pointing back at me, "Watch out for this guy, he's dangerous."

Bottle Caps
In between bars next to the Dixie Chicken in College Station.

Yet Another Bird
Note the public make out session going on in the background.

Liquor Store
Nothing looks better than a sleeveless Thanksgiving turtleneck with a doo-rag.

Havin' A Beer
A Blue Moon to be exact. Today when I got home from work it was about 65 degrees with a breeze to boot. Perfect. My ghetto, artificial turf-covered front porch with a front row view of the foothills will be missed when I move.

The Redeveloper
Although I have a digital camera now I still have a few film cameras that I hope and plan to always use to some degree. There is definitely a sense of accomplishment taking a cool picture on film. Also, super weird shit can happen when you get to the end of a roll of film.

It is really hard to believe that all three of us are single.

Drunk Bus Driver
When I'm on a chartered bus that has a keg on it I really enjoy it when the driver is cool enough to let one of us drive for a little bit.

Another night on the town with un-caged gorillas.