
Showing posts with label drunk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drunk. Show all posts

We were in Seattle and had just spent several hours at a meeting and then a client dinner. We both had way too much to drink but Michelle was a bit worse off than me. We jumped into a cab and Michelle's harassment of the Indian cab driver and most of the metro traffic heading toward the airport began.

She would spotlight people in front of us as well as across traffic at cars going the opposite direction. The Indian man just laughed a nervous laugh the entire time. It was clear he was uncomfortable but didn't have the confidence to try to make it to stop.

The fun continued inside the airport. I was behind Michelle going through security. There was not a line at all because it was late in the evening. As Michelle's 'documents' get checked she tells the screener while pointing back at me, "Watch out for this guy, he's dangerous."

I Need A Band-Aid
The beer foam all over the face joke will never get old to me.

It is really hard to believe that all three of us are single.

Public Intoxication

Drunk Bus Driver
When I'm on a chartered bus that has a keg on it I really enjoy it when the driver is cool enough to let one of us drive for a little bit.

Kung-Fu Kollar
I have no idea what the hell is going on here...

Bus Crapper
A word of advice. If you ever decide to drop the kids off while riding on a chartered bus full of drunk ass holes you should probably lock the door.

White Trash Queen
You know that you have had way too much to drink when you determine that passing out in a huge pile of trash at a festival is your best option.

Beavis and Butthead
Rock n' Roll hair is always good for a laugh and a photo. Also, notice the horrible thumb ring that Coats is sporting.

Twerps in the Hood
A few summers ago after a mountain bike ride we drove into town to pick up some beer. Surprisingly, the trip went as planned.

Beer Tripod
If you are ever in need of a tripod but don't have one available a 32oz canned beer works as a good stand in.