
Showing posts with label mountain biking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mountain biking. Show all posts

Mountain Biking Obstacle

Tonka Toy
These huge dump trucks always look really large but with this group of spectators sitting in the back it looks enormous. They had the coolest seat in the house for this event, the Crank Werx Downhill Mountain Biking Competition.

Almost Ate Shit
This was uncomfortably close to a complete yard sale. As this kid was riding up to this booter it was clear that he didn't take enough speed into it. He rode it out....


Cool Shadow
This looks so fun!

Tight Rope
These guys were riding across a 3/4 inch cable. What?!?!?

The gap that this kid (probably 12 years old) is easily soaring over was about 20 feet across. On a full suspension mountain bike. Insane.

Gorilla Bike Repair
There is always generally something on my bikes that needs to be repaired or replaced. I have actually learned to love fixing my bike. Thanks Dela!

Slick Rock Trail in Moab

Weather Rolling In
Spring and summer storms in Colorado are absolutely amazing. This storm rolled in and dumped hail and rain in Crested Butte for about 30 minutes and then it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

Dela Above The Tree Line
Living in Colorado is like getting to be 11 years old for the rest of your life. You never run out of energy, you never run out of things you want to do, you never run out of stories to tell and you never run out of trails to ride. This shot is from a trip up to Monarch in the summer of 2004. We were nearly to the summit of this ride and were at around 13,200 ft when this was taken. Just when you think your legs and lungs can't take any more abuse you turn the corner and the roller coaster ride begins...