
Showing posts with label rocky mountain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rocky mountain. Show all posts

Council at Rocky Mountain N.P.
One of my favorite things about living in Colorado is the non-stop sporadic weather during the summer months. It will go from a 75 degree sunny beautiful day to extremely threatening or a down pour and then back to clear again in less than an hour. It is incredible. The threatening weather was on its way out in this photo.

Council & Me
I moved to Colorado from Texas in April of 2000. The first summer I lived in Denver my buddy Council came up to visit. We decided to take a trip up to Rocky Mountain National Park and do some hiking. The day we arrived a thunderstorm rolled in. We decided to do a relatively short hike since the weather was threatening. The lighting could not have been any cooler for this picture that I snapped right after a rain storm had just let up and the clouds were beginning to roll out.