
Showing posts with label smoker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smoker. Show all posts

Needs A Light

Club 69
On the back porch of a Maastricht Coffeeshop.

Alone Upstairs
Inside a dutch coffee shop called Balou. The walls move here.

One Track Mind
When this guy has been smoking you can forget about any kind of normal human communication until he is finished molesting something with his mouth.

Tweeker Supreme
This guy seems to have been smoking in this coffee shop in Utrecht for days on end.

First Coffeeshop Experience in Amsterdam

Asshole With Headlamp
For Labor Day in 2004 a group of us headed to Sequoia National Park in California. There was very little planning and we each made individual and last minute plans to meet in San Francisco. Somehow we ended scoring a two-story, three bedroom house that was right next to a swimming pool even though we booked the place about a week before the holiday weekend. Late night the deck would turn into a planetarium and a stage.

First Night In Amsterdam
We didn't change clothes much that week.